Liske's Prachtstück

  • Hi Morgan,
    as far i know there are many owners of this wonderful Liske's Prachtstück, but many of them do wait for a long time until they will even see the flower. Can you tell us a little bit about, how you cultivate this hybride? Would be interesting to know, where the plant stays over winter time, do you keep plant in a glass house, temperature, fertilizer and so on...

    best regards, Stefan

  • I keep my plants on my glass covered porch. This is just temporarly because my small greenhouse collapsed this winter, due to too much snow.

    Stefan: about getting Liske's Prachtstuck to flower; maybe you mix up it's ability to flower with plants from Gräser's Schönste (with siblings)? What I've read it's very easy to get Liske's Prachtstuck to flower but not Gräser's Schönste, Erfolg etc.

    My porch has only 5,5 to 6 hours direct sunlight, what I believe is not enough (I'm constructing a greenhouse on 160 + square meters in my garden now, so I'll have a better place for my plants soon).

    So far I've kept my plants indoor during wintertime. I turn off the heat in one room and close the door and forget about them until spring again (when risk of strong night frost is gone I place them out on my porch, now covered with shade cloth for 2-3 weeks, mist/spray the plants regularly with water).

    I try to water gentle in spring, until the buds have developed quite strong. After that I start water regularly. I've read somewhere and I also have experience from buds turning into pups/offshots if plants are watered to much, to soon.

    I water and fertilize once a week, using half doze of regular indoor plants fertilizer.



  • Hallo,

    about Liske's Prachtstück I can say it is not difficult to get flowers on this fantastic hybrid, my plant is grafted on jusbertii and every year I have flower on it, this year I was lucky I could cross it I think with Flying Saucer. Plant is small but that is no point.

    Mit Liske's Prachtstück muss man nicht lange warten (wie bei Gr. Schönste z.B.). Meine Pflanze ist gepropft auf jusbertii und bringt seit 3 Jahre jedes Jahr eine Blüte. Ich glaube ich hatte dieses Jahr Glück und konnte sie kreuzen mit Flying Saucer.


  • Hi Morgan and Marcello,

    thanks for reply, haven't been in this forum for a while. So i will look forward to see my flowers on LP soon.
    I have seen a LP at a gardeners place what was allmost half a meter high and did not flower so far. In this case, he might has done something wrong.

    best regards, Stefan