• Hello Dave,

    unfortunately I do not know the names of British plant protection products for home and garden, which might be different to those in Germany.

    You can either use a Dimethoate containing product (BI 58 in Germany) or an Imidaclopride or Thiaclopride containing product. I would prefer the last two because Dimethoate might make your plants light-sensitive for a few days. Ask for these active ingredients.

    Anyway, for using these pesticides inside a greenhouse breathing protection is highly recommended. If there were only a few plants I'd always prefer to take them out for treatment.


  • Hi Dave,

    I think it would be very interesting for you to see the effect of various treatments you make, under a binocular microscope. A strong lens may be ok but a binocular microscope will reveal firstly how difficult the simple physical removal of this pest by tweezers is, then secondly how your pest is reacting to the chemical.

    You could evaluate any 'non-conventional' treatments to see if they work.

    I have been spending quite some time recently looking at the effect of different chemcials on mealy bug. Under a binocular microscope you can see the effect from single drop to light sprays.

    Quite a few chemicals I use, I have been alarmed to observe do not kill them. You can determine how each mix and concentration works with your specific infestations. It can be specific to your 'greenhouse population'.

    I have settled back on 9g/l thiocloprid (Provado Vine Weevil Killer2, Bayer)
    at 30ml/l. I apply it as a spray, and not as a soil drench. I found at half strength concentrations, it did not kill my mealy bug. I was only looking at contact death, not possible long term systemic.

    Binocular microscopes are widely available on auctions sites and from a range of school and laboratory suppliers.

    They are also perfect for helping with removing glochids and echinopsis spines. They are a very good investment.

    Hope this helps

    Sorry if the German translation needs correcting!

  • Thank you Sonja, HansGeorg and Alan for your reply. I have been using Provado ultimate bug killer as we have very small choice what we can buy here unless we are 'professional' growers :(
    I do not have a big problem with mealy bug, so use tweezers and water and liquid soap mix, but usually the mealy bug appear again soon after.

    Thank you all again for your answers :)

    Best wishes
