Lobivia sublimiflora or hybrid?

  • Dear friends,

    I'm asking for an advice on a plant identification; I had this plant for a long time, so long that I don't remember where and when i bought it.

    I always thought that it was a Lobivia sublimiflora (or whatever it was the correct name at any time) now known as Echinopsis densispina v. sublimiflora.

    But lately i tried to cross it with my omnipresent plain Chamaecereus silvestrii. The plants i obtained have all the same appearance, but then two of the plants bore flowers, they were quite different.

    I'm asking if you think that this difference if sufficient to assume that the father plant is an hybrid.


    Child 1

    Child 2



  • Hi, Fabio. The story is somewhat confusing, specially the question. You need to explain clearly, what you did cross. For example L. silvestrie x L. sublimiflora (first plant ist the mother, second plant the father), but may be the parents are the other way round. When you cross two Lobivia-scpecies you get hybrid plants. The plants you show, are hybrids. The body is similar to L.silvestrii, the flowers somewhat similar to L. sublimiflora.

    I do not understand why you think the father is a hybrid:!:

  • Especially the first flowers of young plants and the first flowers of the year can be fuzzy. But as time goes by, most of these plants produce normal flowers. Fuzzy flowers are no sign, that the father plant might be a hybrid.

  • I'll try to clarify.

    I pollinated my Chamaecereus silvestrii (mother), with the plant you see in the first picture, which i thought was a botanical species (Lobivia sublimiflora).

    I obtained 7 plants whose body looks identical, which seemed to confirm the hypothesis (the F1 from two botanical species should look pretty much the same).

    But then they started to flower and showed different characteristics: different petals shape...

    Enrico This made me wonder if the father was really a pure botanical species.

    The most striking for me was the second child; so I was asking if this variation was a symptom of an hybrid parent.

    My knowledge in the hybrid field is mostly theoretical, it is the first time I had a number of plants to compare.

    muddyliz I will wait for the plant with the fuzzy flower to mature.

    I will be more cautious with my conclusions.

    By the way, yesterday another one flowered.

    Many thanks,


    P.S. this thread is becoming more on the hybrids than on the parent plant... maybe is becoming off topic in this section.

  • Hi Fabio

    confusion about confusion, but at least now I understand your question. It is the way it is and as I told you: When you cross two botanical species, you get hybrid plants:!:

    I guess you have confusions about the rules of Mendel. Please read them carefully. In your case they are not valid!!! The condition of Mendel says, the parents have to be pure. The F 1 is only uniform, if the parents are pure. That means you habe to breed and select, until you get pure plants! You only can breed a few signs pure, for example the flower color yellow.

    But a specie is never a pure form, there are a lot of different individuals ! Look at the human beeing, we are all different, even when we belong to the same race, in our case the white race!

  • All the things about purity aside, there is an incredible range among seedgrown seedlings. You can grow plants that came from the same fruit and you will have lots of differences in regards to spination, flowers and flower color, color of epidermis etc. Trichocereus and Echinopsis are incredibly variable by nature and also react to things like general health, care, fertilizer, availability of sun light etc.