Beiträge von sourvibes

    My spachianus first flowered this year, a month ago, at a height of 120cm. At least is a fast growing species.

    I pollinated with EH Windigo from Bob Schick, and it seems to have accepted the sire.

    Meine Spachianus hat dieses Jahr vor einem Monat zum ersten Mal geblüht, und zwar bei einer Höhe von 120 cm. Zumindest ist es eine schnell wachsende Art.

    Ich bestäubte mit EH Windigo von Bob Schick, und es scheint, den Vater akzeptiert zu haben.


    It seems a Oryctes nasicornis

    looking at the horn, it seems to be a male. Another perspective may help.
    I'm not an expert...


    The aim of the current version of ChatGPT is not raw knowledge but ability to interact with humans using "common sense". And by the way the current version does not query the web, its responses are based only on its training.

    The true power of these AI models is in the elaboration of text (summarize a text, rewrite it giving it a different tone, translation etc...), try to play with this premises and it will show its real potential.

    So (at least for now) do not try to get answers from this technology like asking an oracle: many times when it doesn't know it tries to make up credible answers.

    Das Ziel der aktuellen Version von ChatGPT ist nicht rohes Wissen, sondern die Fähigkeit, mit Menschen unter Verwendung des "gesunden Menschenverstands" zu interagieren. Übrigens durchsucht die aktuelle Version nicht das Internet, ihre Antworten beruhen nur auf ihrem Training.

    Die wahre Stärke dieser KI-Modelle liegt in der Ausarbeitung von Texten (einen Text zusammenfassen, ihn umschreiben und ihm einen anderen Ton geben, übersetzen usw.), versuchen Sie, mit diesen Voraussetzungen zu spielen, und Sie werden ihr wahres Potenzial erkennen.

    Versuchen Sie also (zumindest im Moment) nicht, von dieser Technologie Antworten zu erhalten, als ob Sie ein Orakel befragen würden: Wenn sie es nicht weiß, versucht sie oft, glaubwürdige Antworten zu erfinden.

    Many thanks.

    It seems that in order to get a comprensive view of the process that gave rise to the current landscape of Echinopsis hybrids, as I feared, a great deal of work needs to be done, to collect and review many sources.

    Um einen umfassenden Überblick über den Prozess zu bekommen, der die aktuelle Landschaft der Echinopsis-Hybriden hervorgebracht hat, muss, wie ich befürchtet habe, noch viel Arbeit geleistet werden, um viele Quellen zu sammeln und zu überprüfen.

    Hello Katja,

    the genus Thelochepahla is in the Notocacteae tribe with Parodia and others (see Eriosyce) .

    I really doubt they are compatible with anything within the Trichocereae (Echinopsis/Rebutia/Gymnocalycium) or other tribes.

    I suppose this can be the effect of external pollen disabling self incompatibility mechanism, and what is achieved is self fertilization.


    RNAUC57 Se fai attenzione vedrai che la struttura è aperta, ci sono fessure di areazione alla base ed anche la parte superiore è aperta, questo dovrebbe permettere un ricircolo dell'aria, anche grazie alla creazione di una naturale corrente dovuta al calore generato dall'illuminazione.

    The the air comes from the bottom splits, the roof is open and there is a natural air flow due to the heat from the lights.


    Maybe search result can't be linked.

    Try to search the forum for "Kindel bewurzeln" or its variations. You have to skim some results to find what you are searching for.

    This is an intresting example: Link


    Penso che i risultati delle ricerche non possano essere condivisi.

    Prova a cercare nel forum "Kindel bewurzeln" o varianti, devi spulciare tra I risultati per trovare quello che cerchi.

    Questo ad esempio è interessante: Link




    the translator made a terrible work here.

    Everyone has its recipe and there are differeces depending on the plant species. In genral I wait for the wound to dry for about a week, then I use my normal mineral substrate and keep the offshot in the shade.

    if you are curious of how the others do it, this link contains what you are asking for.…ighlight=Kindel+bewurzeln




    il traduttore ha fatto un lavoro terribile.

    Ognuno ha la sua ricetta e ci sono differenze a seconda della specie. In generale, dopo aver fatto asciugare l'eventuale ferita, io uso il mio normale substrato minerale e li tengo all'ombra.

    Se sei curioso di sapere come fanno gli altri, questo link contiene le risposte che cerchi…ighlight=Kindel+bewurzeln



    PS: quando usi il traduttore, per sicurezza fai sempre una traduzione inversa ed eventualmente riformula la domanda usando termini diversi.


    volcanic materials like pozzolan, with calcium hydroxide form a kind of hydraulic cement. It is what the ancient romans used in constructions. But pumice was mainly added as inert for its lightness, I don't know if it has the same reaction.

    The pH of pumice stone depends on where it came from. My source says: pH 7-8, a little alkaline.

    Vulkanische Materialien wie Puzzolan bilden zusammen mit Calciumhydroxid eine Art hydraulischen Zement. Es ist das, was die alten Römer in Konstruktionen verwendeten.

    Aber Bimsstein wurde hauptsächlich als inert für seine Leichtigkeit hinzugefügt, ich weiß nicht, ob er die gleiche Reaktion hat.

    Der pH-Wert von Bimsstein hängt davon ab, woher er stammt. Meine Quelle sagt: pH 7-8, etwas alkalisch.



    I read in an old book that I don't have anymore, where they suggest to graft on epiphyllum.

    It was something like this:

    cut below the areole strait to make a flat notch where to place the seedling and remove the excess on the side. The seedling should remain attached thanks to the juices. Treat it like you would with a pereskiopsis graft.

    I think that the tip of the stock has to be removed.

    I'm sorry I cannot help more.


    I know of a technique of grafting replacing the areola with seedlings but I never tryed.

    Ich kenne eine Technik zum Pfropfen, bei der der Warzenhof durch Sämlinge ersetzt wird, aber ich habe es nie versucht.