Systematik der Gattung Lobivia

  • Hier meine Systematik der Gattung Lobivia nach Rausch,

    Stammt etwa aus dem Jahr 2000.

    Systematik nach Kakteen Haage
    und Cites - Cactaceae Checklist - David Hunt Band 1
    Walter Rausch 1985 Band 1-3
    Lobivia 1989 Rainer Wahl

    Echinopsis – Lobivia

    Pentlandinae (1) –(3)

    Boliviensis : Zum Teil große Gruppen bildend, Körper breitrund, Blüten dichtblättrig-Trichterförmig

    pentlandii (Hook. 1844)
    Blüten fliederfarben , karminrot bis orangefarben, offen trichterförmig,
    5-6 cm lang 4,5 cm breit 12 – 15 Rippen, wächst kugelig später etwas zylindrisch. Die Rippen sind durch querfurchen in beilförmige Höcker zerlegt und mit strahligen Rand- und gekämmten, meist hornfarbigen oder bräunlichen Mittelstacheln besetzt.

    pentlandii WR 201
    pentlandii WR 298
    pentlandii WR 956
    pentlandii v. albiflora
    Blüten weiß, gelblich gefleckt
    Stachel lang und orang-horngelb

    pentlandii v. argentaea Backeb. 1935
    K. gruppenbildend, Einzelkörper bis 10 cm hoch, bis 15 cm Dm, glänzendgrün; Ri. 24, Höcker scharfkantig; Rst. bis 14, bis 2 cm lang;
    Mst. bis 8 cm lang, anfangs dunkel mit rotem Fuß, später rosagrau;
    Bl. zartsilbrig-liaweiß;
    pentlandii v. aurantiaca Wird, & Backeb. 1938
    pentlandii v. boliviensis Br & R. 1922
    Blüten anilinrot - rosenrot, trichterförmig, Schlund heller, 4- 5 cm lang
    Körper länglich, 20 Rippen, über den Areolen schräg gekerbt
    Stacheln hellgrau – 8 cm lang

    pentlandii v. brunneo-rosea Backeb. 1956
    pentlandii v. carminantha Backeb. 1935
    Blüten rot, etwa 4 cm lang, breit 5 cm
    pentlandii v. croceantha Backeb. 1935
    pentlandii v. forbesii
    Blüten kupferfarben, 5-6 cm lang, kelchförmig öffnend

    pentlandii v. higginsiana Backeb. 1933
    Blüten weinrot innen gelblich
    Stacheln hellgrau – 8 cm lang
    pentlandii v. johnsoniana Backeb. 1935

    pentlandii v. lauramarca
    Blüte gelbrot, Röhre bis 8cm lang
    Stacheln hellhorngelb, dunkler gespitzt
    pentlandii v. leucorhodon Backeb. 1935
    pentlandii v. leucoviolacea Backeb. 1935
    Blüten violett, Schlund heller, 5,5 cm breit
    Stacheln hellgrau – 8 cm lang
    pentlandii v. multicostata
    pentlandii v. omasuyana Card. 1965
    pentlandii v. raphidacantha Backeb. 1935
    pentlandii v. rubro-alba Backeb. 1935
    pentlandii v. scheeri
    pentlandii v. schneideriana Backeb. 1937
    Blüten beige, 5 cm breit
    pentlandii v. carnea Backeb.
    pentlandii v. cuprea Backeb.
    pentlandii v. titicacensis Card. 1959
    pentlandii v. wegheiana Backeb. 1933
    Blüte hell fliederfarben, duftend, 6 cm lang und
    6 cm breit
    Stacheln hellgrau – 8 cm lang
    pentlandii v. leucantha Backeb. 1935
    pentlandii v. varians Backeb. 1935
    Blüten hellorangerot, Schlund heller,
    Stachel – 10 cm lang
    pentlandii v. hardeniana Boed. 1935
    pentlandii v. aurantiaca
    pentlandii v. aculeata Buin. 1941 = hardeniana
    K. gedrückt kugelig, 5 cm hoch, 7 cm Dm., glänzend frisch grün,
    Ri. 16; St. nadelig, anfangs bräunlich; Rst. bis 12, bis 3,5 cm lang,
    Mst. 1-3, der längste 4,5 cm lang¸
    Bl. 6,5 cm lang, 5 cm Dm, Fb. goldgelb, purpurrandig, duftend.
    pentlandii v. larae Card. 1964
    Blüte violett, 6 cm lang, breit 5-6 cm, Schlund grünlich-weiß.
    Rippen 12 über den Areolen gekerbt und Rippen beilförmig versetzt. Seitenstacheln 10
    und Mittelstachel 5 cm lang nach innen gebogen

    maximiliana Heydr. 1846
    Blüte salmrot, nach den Spitzen zu purpurkarmin, 3 cm breit

    maximiliana v. pseudocariquinensis
    maximiliana v. cariquinensis
    maximiliana Lau 254
    maximiliana WR 202
    maximiliana WR 375
    maximiliana v. caespitosa WR 57
    maximiliana v. charazanensis WR 624
    maximiliana v. corbula WR 412
    maximiliana v. intermedia WR 409
    maximiliana v. sicuaniensis WR 426
    maximiliana v. westii (Hutchinson)
    maximiliana v. westii WR 408
    maximiliana v. violacea WR 735
    maximiliana v. caespitosa Purp. 1917
    Blüte gelbrot, Röhre bis 8cm lang
    Stacheln hellhorngelb, dunkler gespitzt
    maximiliana v. altiplani
    maximiliana v. grandiflora
    maximiliana v. durispina Rausch 1985 – Typus 204
    maximiliana v. charazanensis Card. 1957
    maximiliana v. corbula Herrera 1919
    Blüten dreifarbig, außen dunkelrot, innen gelb, Spitzen der Blütenblätter karmin
    maximiliana v. lauramarca Rauh & Backeb.
    Blüte gelbrot, Röhre bis 8cm lang , Stacheln hellhorngelb, dunkler gespitzt
    maximiliana v. sicuaniensis Rausch
    maximiliana v. hermanniana Backeb. 1935
    Blüte gelbrot, Röhre bis 8cm lang
    Stacheln hellhorngelb, dunkler gespitzt
    maximiliana v. intermedia Rausch 1972
    Blüten rot
    maximiliana v. apurimacana
    maximiliana v. leptacantha Rausch 1972
    maximiliana v. miniatiflora Ritter 1963
    maximiliana v. quiabayensis Rausch 1968
    maximiliana v. violacae Rausch 1979
    maximiliana v. westii Hutch. 1954
    Blüten orangerosa bis goldorange, 7 cm lang und 4 cm breit
    maximiliana v. cruciaureispina

    ferox Br.& R. 1922
    Blüte hellgelb
    ferox v. potosina Werd. 1931
    ferox v. potosina v. cerdana Card. 1959
    ferox DJF 288
    ferox WR 209
    ferox v. longispina Br.& R. 1922
    ferox v. longispina MN 54
    ferox v. longispina MN 154

    longispina v. claeysiana Backeb. 1937
    Blüten goldgelb, orangerosa – kupferrosa, 6 cm lang und 6 – 7 cm breit, becherförmig öffnend. Von Aussen zur Mitte heller werdend, Blüten orangerosa Schlund dunkel grün, Blüten kupferrosa -Schlund dunkel violett. Bei gelben Formen ist der Schlund grün.
    longispina v. aureolilacina Card. 1961
    longispina v. backebergiana ?????
    longispina v. carminantha Backeb. 1962
    longispina v. hastifera Werd. 1938
    Blüten rosarot
    Stachel – 8 cm lang
    longispina v. lecoriensis Card.
    longispina v. nigra Backeb. 1935
    longispina v. pachyantha ???
    longispina v. rubriflora
    longispina v. pictiflorea Ritter 1966
    longispina v. spinosissima Backeb. 1966
    longispina v. variispina Ritter n.n. FR 1161
    variispina HR 19025a
    variispina WR 870
    longispina v. wilkeae Backeb. 1962


    pampana Br. & R. 1922
    Blüten rosa-gelb, 6 cm lang, breit 6 cm. Blütenblätter spitz zulaufend

    pampana v. leucantha Backeb. 1935
    pampana v. brevispina Backeb. 1935
    pampana v. moqueguana Knize. syn
    pampana WR 433 (scheerii)
    pampana AC 148 (scheerii)
    pampana v. borealis Rausch 1985 - Typus 387a
    pampana v. aureosenilis
    Blüten rosenrot

    pamparuizii v. mistienes Wird. & Bacheb, 1931
    Blüte geldrot, breit öffnender Kelch
    pamparuizii v. glaucesens Ritter -- FR 1460

    Hertrichinae (4)

    hertrichiana Backeb. 1933
    Blüte feuerrot bis dunkel fleischfarben, 5,5 cm lang , 6 cm breit, breit öffnend
    Rippen 6- 11, über den Areolen scharf gekerbt.
    7 gelbe Randstachel und 1 Mittelstachel

    hertrichiana FR 935
    hertrichiana 'minuta' WR 414
    hertrichiana v. lauii WR 419
    hertrichiana v. simplex WR 423
    hertrichiana v. zecheri WR 407
    hertrichiana v. allegraiana Backeb. 1935
    Blüte blutrot
    hertrichiana v. binghamiana Backeb. 1935
    Blüte hell karmin schlund gelbgrün, 4 cm lang und 4 cm breit. Mittelstachel aufrecht stehend 3cm lang, hornfarben und braun je zur Hälfte
    hertrichiana v. divaricata Ritter 696
    hertrichiana v. echinata Rausch. 1973
    Blüten hellrot, Schlund weiß – rosa, 5 cm lang und 5 cm breit
    hertrichiana v. huilcanota Rauh & Backeb. 1956
    hertrichiana v. incaica Backeb. 1935
    Blüten blutrot
    hertrichiana v. larabei Johns. n.n.
    hertrichiana v. lauii Don 1974
    Blüten scharlach - rosarot
    hertrichiana v. minuta Ritter 1963
    hertrichiana v. planiceps Backeb. 1935
    Blüten rot
    hertrichiana v. simplex Rausch 1972
    Blüten hellrot, land 5 xm, breit 5 cm, Schlund weiß
    v. simplex f. vilcabambae Ritter 1963
    hertrichiana v. wegneriana Grunert & Kluegl. 1970
    Blüten rosa

    Haageanae - Jajoianae (5) (13)

    marsoneri Werd. 1932
    Blüten gelb, Schlund purpurrot
    marsoneri MN 169 (orange flower)
    marsoneri MN 169 (reddish flower, close-up)
    marsoneri MN 174

    marsoneri v. buiningiana Ritter FR 55
    marsoneri v. caspalasensis MN 153
    marsoneri v. miniatinigra L556
    marsoneri v. tuberculosa
    marsoneri v. iridescens Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. muhriae Backeb. 1963
    marsoneri v. flaviflora Backeb. 1963
    marsoneri v. uitewaaleana BUIN. 1951
    marsoneri subv. rubescens Backeb. 1932
    Blüten goldgelb, rötlich unsäumt, 6,5 breit
    marsoneri v. tenuispina Backeb. 1932
    marsoneri v. haageana Backeb. 1933
    Blüten hellgelb, 7 cm lang und 6,5 cm breit, Schlund dunckelrot,
    Glocken bis trichterförmig
    Körper 30 cm hoch und 10 cm breit
    Rippen 20 – 22 und Areolen grauweißfilzig im 1,5 cm Abstand
    Mittelstachel 4-6 cm lang schwarz später grau
    marsoneri v. albihepatica Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. bicolor Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. chrysantha Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. cinnabarina Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. stellata Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. leucoerythrantha Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. croceantha Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri v. durispina Backeb. 1935
    marsoneri subv. fleischeriana Backeb. 1934
    marsoneri subv. jajoiana Backeb. 1934
    Blüte wein-tomatenrot, Schlund schwarzviolett, breiter Kelch becherförmig,
    langer Mittelstachel fehlt
    jajoiana v. aurata Rausch 1985 – Typus 701
    jajoiana v. caspalasensis MN 153
    jajoiana v. elegans Rausch 1985 – Typus 36
    jajoiana v. nidularis Rausch 1985 – Typus 702
    jajoiana v. paucicostata 'glauca' MN 36
    jajoiana v. paucicostata 'glauca' MN 190
    jajoiana v. paucicostata WR 217
    jajoiana v. paucicostata 'glauca' WR 218 n.n.
    jajoiana v. pungens Rausch 1985 - Typus 516
    jajoiana L 523
    marsoneri v. carminata Wessn. 1949
    marsoneri v. splendens Wessn. 1949
    marsoneri subv. pauciciostata Rausch 1971
    Blüten wie glauca, Mitteldornen unterschiedlich
    marsoneri v. glauca Rausch 1971
    Blüten becherartig erweitert, orange bis rot, Schlund schwarz, 5-6 cm breit, Knospen schwarz, Mittelstachel 6-8 cm lang nach oben stehend
    marsoneri subv. vatteri Krainz 1947
    Blüten weiß, Schlund schwarz
    marsoneri v. gregeri Kreuz 1935
    marsoneri v. nigrostoma Buin. 1950
    Blüten goldgelb, breiter Kelch
    marsoneri v. robusta Backeb. 1935


    chrysantha (Werd.) Backeb. 1935
    Blüte gelb, breit öffnend, brauner Schlund, Röhre bis 5 cm lang
    gepfropft blühwilliger

    chrysantha R5
    chrysantha MN 216
    chrysantha MN 105
    chrysantha v. klusacekii J 17
    chrysantha v. klusacekii MN 111
    chrysantha v. klusacekii WR 584
    chrysantha v. hossei Werd. 1931
    chrysantha v. janseniana Backeb. 1935
    chrysantha v. leucacantha Backeb. 1935
    chrysantha v. staffenii Fric 1931
    chrysantha v. lagunilla Fric 1935
    chrysantha subv. hypocyrta Rausch 1972
    chrysantha subv. klusacekii Fric 1931
    chrysantha v. dragai Fric 1931
    chrysantha v. polaskiana Backeb. 1948
    Blüten dottergelb, Schlund rot
    chrysantha v. roseiflora Subik 1960
    chrysantha v. schuldtii Fric 1935

    Shaferae (6)

    aurea Backeb. 1934
    Blüten hell- bis dunkelgelb,9 cm lang, 8 cm breit
    aurea MN 76
    aurea v. catamarcensis WR 136
    aurea v. dobeana GC
    aurea v. leucomalla WR 116
    aurea v. quinesensis WR 112
    aurea v. 'depressicostata?' P 25
    aurea v. callochrysea P61
    aurea v. robustior P105
    aurea v. callochrysea Ritter 985
    aurea v. albiflora
    aurea v. quinsensis WR 112

    aurea v. elegans Backeb. 1934
    aurea v. cylindrica Backeb. 1935
    aurea v. grandiflora Backeb. 1935
    aurea v. lutreiflora Backeb. 1966
    aurea v. sierragrandensis Rausch 1985 - Typus WR 711b
    aurea v. tortuosa Rausch 1985 – Typus 711a
    aurea v. dobeana Doelz 1939
    aurea v. fallax (Oehme) Backeb. 1959
    aurea v. fallax P 032
    aurea v. robustior Backeb. 1935
    aurea v. leucomalla (Wessn.) Rausch 1965
    Blüten zitronrngelb, 5,5 cm breit
    aurea v. rubrispina Wessn. 1938
    aurea v. quinsensis Rausch 1965
    Blüten gelb, 8 cm lang und 8 cm breit, breitöffnend mit langer tiefer Röhre.
    Körper wie aurea / shaferi, Stacheln dichter und weiche Stachel
    aurea v. shaferi Rausch 1965
    Blüten dottergelb - zitronengelb, 7-8 cm lang 7 cm breit, trichterförmig öffnend , Kelchröhre stark behaart, Schlund braun
    Körper säulig mit 4 – 5 cm Dicke. Rippen 10 Stachel weiß oder braun, Mittelstachel bis
    5 cm lang
    aurea v. cylindricaea Backeb. 1956


    Pseudocachenses (7)

    saltensis (Speg.) Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten braunrot, 3 cm lang und 4 cm breit, briet öffnend
    saltensis (Sta Barbara, 3000m, Arg)
    saltensis fma DH 301 B
    saltensis v. multicostata (Lajas, Salta)
    saltensis v. cachensis Speg. 1905
    cachensis v. pencapoma R 238
    saltensis v. multicostata Rausch 662
    saltensis v. nealeana Backeb. 1934
    Blüten leuchtenrot, trichterig 3-6 cm lang, 4-6 cm breit
    saltensis v. brevispina Backeb. 1948
    saltensis v. emmae Backeb. 1948
    Blüten orangerot, 5cm lang und 5-6 cm breit, breitöffnend. Schlund grün, Blütenansatz im oberen Pflanzenteil. Körper 20 cm hoch und 5-6 cm dick
    saltensis v. cinnabarina Backeb. 1935
    saltensis v. pseudocachensis Backeb. 1934
    saltensis v. sanguinea Backeb. 1935
    saltensis v. zapallarensis Rausch 1985 – Typus 585


    schreiteri Castell. 1930
    Blüte hellrosa - purpurrot, schwärzlicher Schlund, 3,5 cm breit
    schreiteri (Tafi del Valle, Arg)
    schreiteri v. stilowiana WR 171
    schreiteri v. stilowiana Backeb. 1949
    Blüte braunrot, Schlund dunkler, Rippen 15, Randstacheln 7 und 2 ^ Mittelstacheln
    Stacheln hornfarben bis braun, kräftige Mittelstachel 3 cm lang
    schreiteri v. riolarensis Rausch 1985 – Typus 793
    schreiteri v. riolarensis J 62

    Pugionacanthae (8).

    pugionacantha Rose & Boed. 1931
    Blüten gelblich, rosa, hellrot
    pugionacantha v. flaviflora Backeb. 1956

    pugionacantha MN 48
    pugionacantha v. culpinensis WR 83
    pugionacantha v. rossii WR 70
    pugionacantha v. versicolor WR 297
    pugionacantha v. winkleriana WR 50
    pugionacantha v. cornuta Rausch 1972
    pugionacantha v. cornuta WR 500
    pugionacantha v. cornuta JK 248
    pugionacantha v. cornuta WR 651
    pugionacantha v. corrugata Rausch 1985 - Typus 176
    pugionacantha v. culpinensis Ritter 1966
    Blüten gelb oder rot
    pugionacantha v. haemantha Rausch 1985 –Typus 639
    pugionacantha v. salitrensis Rausch 1974
    pugionacantha v. salitrensis f. flexuosa Rausch 1974
    pugionacantha v. versicolor Rausch 1974


    rossii Boed. 1933
    rossii v. bustiloenea Ritter 348
    rossii v. beodekeriana Hard. 1935
    rossii v. carminata Backeb. 1956
    rossii v. salmonea Backeb. 1956
    Blüten gelb, orange, karmin – blutrot, trichterförmig 4,5 cm lang und breit
    meist duften
    rossii v. sanguinea Backeb. 1956
    rossii v. sayariensis Ritter 348a
    rossii v. stollenwerkiana Beod. 1935

    Breviflorae (9)

    cinnabarina (Hook.) Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten scharlach – karminrot, kurze Röhre, breittrichterig, 3-4 cm lang
    und 8 cm breit. Schlund dunkelrot – samtrot, Blütenblätter breit.
    Eine der schönsten Lobiviablüten.
    Körper flach, Rippen über den Areolen versetzt, beilförmig.
    Blüten endstehen seitlich tief unten am Pflanzenkörper.
    cinnabarina v. charcasina Card. 1964

    cinnabarina RH 385
    cinnabarina fma HS 252
    cinnabarina v. draxleriana WR 279
    cinnabarina subv. draxleriana Rausch 1971
    Blüten blutrot-scharlachrot, Blütenblätter breit und spitz zulaufend. Blütenansatz am
    Außenrand, Körper flach mit 16 Rippen, über den Areolen stark gekerbt, beilförmige
    cinnabarina subv. draxleriana f. minor Rausch 65
    cinnabarina v. draxleriana WR 27
    cinnabarina subv. giganta Rausch 62a
    cinnabarina subv. gracilis Rausch 62c
    cinnabarina subv. gracilflora Card. 1958
    cinnabarina subv. neocinnabarina Backeb. 1963
    cinnabarina subv. patula Rausch 1974
    cinnabarina v. prestoana Card. 1970
    cinnabarina subv. roseiflora Rausch 457
    cinnabarina v. walterspielii Boed. 1935
    Blüten karmesinrot, 4,5 cm breit
    cinnabarina subv. zudanensis Card. 1970
    cinnabarina v. zudanensis WR 62b
    Caineanae (10)

    caineana Card. 1952
    Blüten rosaviolett
    caineana WK 164
    caineana v. albiflora
    caineana WR 197

    lateritia (Gürke) Br.& R. 1922
    lateritia JK 356 (seedling in flower)
    lateritia WR 490
    lateritia v. kupperiana WR673a
    lateritia v. camataquiensis Card. 1963
    lateritia v. carminantha 1935
    lateritia v. cintiensis Card.
    lateritia v. citriflora
    lateritia v. elongata Ritter. 1963
    lateritia v. imporana Backeb. 1962
    lateritia v. scopulina Backeb. 1962
    lateritia v. rubriflora Backeb. 1959
    lateritia v. borealis Rausch 303
    lateritia v. cotagaitensis Rausch 67
    lateritia v. kupperiana Backeb. 1935
    lateritia v. kupperiana v. horrida Ritter. 1963
    Famatinensis (11)

    haematantha (Speg.) Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten orangegelb, Schlund dunkelgrün. Blütenblätter breit mit kleinen Spitzen.
    breit öffnend

    haematantha ES 55a
    haematantha Lau 459
    haematantha WR 165
    haematantha v. amblayensis WR 239
    haematantha v. amblayensis WR 585
    haematantha v. densispina MN 38
    haematantha v. densispina MN 39
    haematantha v. elongata MN 15
    haematantha v. elongata MN 19
    haematantha v. hualfinensis WR 146
    haematantha v. kuehnrichii MN 81
    haematantha v. rebutioides (white flowers)
    haematantha v. rebutioides MN 29
    haematantha v. rebutioides 'sublimiflora' MN 44
    haematantha v. rebutioides WR 585a

    haematantha v. cabradai
    haematantha v. cerasiflora
    haematantha v. mirabunda
    haematantha v. jasimanensis Rausch 1985 – Typus 792
    haematantha subv. amblayebsis Rausch 1972
    Blüten orangegelb
    haematantha v. albispina Backeb. 1934
    haematantha subv. chorillosensis Rausch 1974
    Körper klein, flach, Blüte rot
    haematantha v. chorillosensis J 114
    haematantha subv. densispina Werd. 1934
    Blüten gelb, 5 cm breit
    haematantha v. albiflora
    haematantha v. blossfeldii Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. sanguinea Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. scoparia Werd. 1934
    haematantha subv. elongata Backeb. 1956
    haematantha subv. hualfinensis Rausch 1968
    Blüten orangerot
    haematantha subv. fechseri Rausch 1972
    haematantha subv. kuehnrichii Fric 1931
    Blüten gelb bis orange, kurztrichterig breit öffnend
    haematantha v. molinensis Rausch 13 n.n
    haematantha v. drijveriana Backeb. 1933
    Blüte rein gelb bis orange, Schlund grün, 5 cm breit
    haematantha v. aurantiaca Backeb. 1934
    haematantha v. nobilis Backeb. 1934
    haematantha v. astranthema Backeb. 1934
    haematantha v. nigrispina Backeb. 1935
    haematantha v. rubriflora Backeb. 1956
    haematantha subv. pectinifera Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. albolanata Buin. 1941
    haematantha subv. rebutioides Backeb. 1934
    Blüte feuerrot
    haematantha v. citriniflora Backeb. 1934
    Blüten zitronen- bis eigelb
    haematantha v. kraussiana Backeb. 1949
    haematantha v. chlorogona Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. chlorogona FR 403
    haematantha v. cupreoviridis Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. purpureoostoma Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. rubroviridis Wessn. 1940
    haematantha v. versicolor Wessn. 1940
    haematantha subv. sublimiflora Backeb. 1935
    Blüten leuchtend karmin, 6,5 cm breit
    haematantha v. wessneriana Fritz 1940
    haematantha v. kreuzingeri
    haematantha v. viridis Rausch 1985 – Typus 709a

    napina Paz. 1960
    Blüte gelb, 5 cm breit trichterförmig, breit öffnend
    Blütenblätter an der Außenseite mit grünen streifen.
    Blüt im 3. Jahr

    famatimensis (Speg.) Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten gelb, 5 cm lang und 5 cm breit

    famatimensis WR 127
    Famatima; La Rioja, Blüte gelb
    famatimensis FR 459
    famatimensis 'bonniae' FK 96 (Photo Bouwman)
    famatimensis 'bonniae' FK 96
    famatimensis v. setosa Backeb, 1937
    Blüte rot, 7- 8 cm breit trichterförmig, breit öffnend
    Blüt im 3. Jahr
    famatimensis v. jachalensis Rausch 577a
    famatimensis v. sanjuanensis Rausch 577

    Wrightianae (12)

    backebergii (Werd.) Backeb. 1935
    Blüte hell karmin, bläulich schimmernd, weißer Schlund, 4 cm breit
    backebergii R 456
    backebergii fma Lau 154a
    backebergii v. oxyalabastra WR 200
    backebergii fma Lau 154a
    backebergii v. larae WR 264
    backebergii v. oxyalabastra WR 200
    backebergii v. oxyalabastra Card. & Rausch
    Blüten wein- purpurrot, trichterförmig, 5 cm lang und 5 cm breit
    backebergii v. wilkeae Backeb. 1962
    backebergii subv. schieliana Backeb. 1956
    schieliana v. albescens Backeb.
    schieliana v. leptacantha Rausch 1972
    schieliana v. quiabayensis Rausch 1968
    schieliana v. leptacantha WR 422
    schieliana v. quiabayensis WR 205
    schieliana v. quiabayensis Lau 1004
    backebergii subv. wrightiana Backeb. 1937
    Blüten zart lilarosa, 6 cm lang, 5 cm breit
    backebergii v. brevispina Backeb.
    kurz dornige Form
    backebergii v. chilensis Knize
    backebergii subv. zecheri Rausch 1971
    Blüten dunkel- bis violettrot
    zecheri v. fungiflora Braun 1937

    wrigthina Backeb. 1937
    wrigthina v. chilensis Knize n.n.
    wrigthina v. brecispina Backeb. 1937
    wrigthina v. fungiflora Braun 1937
    wrightina v. winteriana Ritter 1970
    Blüten robinrot, 9 cm lang, 8 cm breit
    wrightiana KK 1545
    wrightiana v. winteriana FR 1312


    Sanguiniflorae (14)

    sanguiniflora Backeb. 1935
    Blüten blutrot, Schlund weiß, kurzröhrig, 4-5 cm breit
    sanguiniflora v. breviflora WR 582
    sanguiniflora fma WR 517
    sanguiniflora v. pseudolateritia Backeb. 1956
    sanguiniflora v. breviflora Backeb. 1935
    sanguiniflora v. duursmaiana Backeb. 1935
    sanguiniflora v. polycephala backeb. 1935

    Tiegelianae (15)

    tiegeliana Wessn. 1939
    Blüten leuchtend violettrosa, 2,5 cm lang, 4 cm breit
    tiegeliana 'chimorphipetala' RH 253
    tiegeliana v. fricii MN 235
    tiegeliana v. flaviflora FR 1170

    tiegeliana v. winteriana Krainz 1948
    tiegeliana v. distelfanoiana Cullm. 1961
    Blüten violett aber kräftigere Farbe wie v. fricii , 6 cm lang und 5 cm breit
    15 Stacheln kammartig anliegend.
    tiegeliana v. flaviflora Ritter 1966
    tiegeliana v. fricii Ritter 1973
    Blüten hellviolett, 2,5 cm lang und 3 cm breit.
    15 Stacheln kammartig anliegend
    tiegeliana v. peclardiana Krainz 1948
    Blüten hell-violettrosa, 4 cm lang und 8 cm breit, breitöffnend.
    Stacheln kammartig anliegend.
    tiegeliana v. pusilla Ritter. 1966
    tiegeliana v. rubberima Rausch 1972
    tiegeliana v. uriondoensis

    tegeleriana Backeb. 1935
    Blüten lachsrot, 4-5 cm lang, Blütenblätter schmall und spitz.
    13 gefurchte Rippen, Areolen mit 8 Seitenstacheln 2 cm lang,
    wie eine Spinne anliegend.
    tegeleriana WR 405
    tegeleriana v. incuiensis WR 443
    tegeleriana v. eckardtiana Backeb. 1937
    tegeleriana v. medingiana Backeb. 1937
    tegeleriana v. plominiana Backeb. 1937
    tegeleriana v. akersii Rausch 1973 Peru
    nördlichste Lobivia in Peru
    Blüten rosa,Schlund weiß
    tegeleriana v. oyonica Akers 1973 n.n. = akersii
    tegeleriana v. churinensis Johns n.n. = akersii
    tegeleriana v. incuiensis Rauh & Backeb. 1958
    Blüten reinrot, Schlund ziegelrot
    ancistrophora Speg. 1905
    ancistrophora v. hamatacantha Backeb. 1934
    ancistrophora v. polyancistra Backeb. 1933
    ancistrophora v. cardenasiana Rausch 1972
    aurea v. catamarcensis WR 136
    aurea v. catamarcensis WR 136
    Blüten magentarot
    ancistrophora v. rubriflora Rausch 498a

    arachnacantha Buin. & Ritter 1956
    Blüten gelb – orange, trichterig
    arachnacantha v. mairanana
    arachnacantha WR 180
    arachnacantha v. densiseta Rausch 1968
    arachnacantha v. kratochviliana Backeb. 1934
    Blüten weiß, Schlund grün, 6 cm breit
    arachnacantha v. torrecillasensi Card. 1956
    Blüte karmin - krapprot, Röhre 3-4 cm grauschwarz behaart, 5 cm breit
    7 Seitenstachel und 1 kurzer Mittelstachel
    arachnacantha v. sulphurea Vasqu. 1968
    arachnacantha v. vallegrandensis Rausch 1975
    calorubra Card, 1957
    Blüten lachsrot,

    calorubra v. mizquensis WR 610
    calorubra v. mizquensis WR 463
    calorubra v. aguilari Vasqu, 1974
    calorubra v. grandiflora
    calorubra v. megalocephala
    calorubra v. mizquensis Rausch 1972
    calorubra v. pojoensis Rausch 1968

    Zuordnen zu dem System

    huascha (Web.) Marsh. 1941
    Blüten ziegelrot, trichterig

    huascha v. callianthus Ritter. 426
    huascha rubriflora
    huascha v. walteri
    huascha v. auricolor Backeb. 1955
    huascha v. macranthus Backeb. 1966
    Blüten gelb, 10 cm lang, breit öffnend
    huascha v. rosiflorus Backeb. 1966
    huascha v. robusta Rausch 1985 – Typus 229
    huascha v. andalgalensis (Web. 1898) Rausch
    huascha v. purpureominiata Ritter 997
    Blutrot, 10 cm lang und 8 cm breit öffnend
    huascha v. grandiflora Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten rot, 8-10 cm lang, 8-10 cm breit
    grandiflora lobivioides
    grandiflora v. crassicaulis WR 151
    grandiflora v. longispina Rausch 1985 – Typus 151
    grandiflora v. pumila Rausch 1985 – Typus 758
    grandiflora v. herzogii Rausch 1985 – Typus 795
    grandiflora v. herzogii L 203 Tafi del Valle
    huascha v. crassicaulis Backeb. 1966
    huascha subv. narvaezensis Card. 1953
    huascha v. caspalasensis Rausch 695

    chrysochete Werd. 1936
    Blüten goldgelb, zu den Spitzen rötlich, Schlund hell
    chrysochete v. hystrix Ritter 1966
    chrysochete MN 133
    chrysochete WR 173
    chrysochete 'v. subtilis' MN 144 (orange-red fl)
    chrysochete 'v. subtilis' MN 144 (orange-yellow fl)
    chrysochete v. tenuispina WR 497
    chrysochete v. chunchullensis Rausch 638
    chrysochete v. markusii Rausch. 1966
    chrysochete v. minutiflora Rausch 512
    chrysochete v. tenuispina Ritter 1966
    Blüten goldgeld - orange

    rauschii Zecher 1974
    rauschii v. grandiflora
    rauschii WR 635

    formosa Dodds 1937 Argentinien
    Blüten gelb
    formosa v. herzogii J 203
    formosa v. hyalacantha WR 565
    formosa v. amaichensis
    formosa v. horrida
    formosa v. rosarioana
    formosa v. maxima Backeb. 1959
    formosa v. polycephala Backeb. 1959
    formosa v. velascoensis Rausch 128a n.n.
    formosa v. uebelmanniana Lembcke & Backeb. 1959 n.n.
    formosa v. bertramiana Backeb. 1935
    formosa v. orurensis Card. 1953
    formosa v. albiflorus Card. 1953
    formosa v. antezanae Card. Card. 1953
    formosa v. herzogianus Card. 1953
    formosa v. conaconensis Card. 1953
    formosa subv. bruchii Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten tiefrot, 4-5 cm lang
    formosa subv. bruchii Br.& R. 1922
    formosa subv. grandis Br.& R. 1922
    Blüten orangegelb
    formosa v. kieslingii Rausch 573
    Blütenorangerot, 9 cm lang und breit
    formosa v. nivalis Fric 1929 – Typus 015

    formosa subv. tarijensis Vpl. 1916
    formosa v. randallii Card. 1963
    formosa v. poco Backeb. 1935
    formosa v. fricianaus Card. 1953
    formosa v. albiflorus CARD. 1953
    formosa v. sanguiniflorus Backeb. 1966
    formosa v. totorensis Card. 1953

    thionantha (Speg.) Rausch 048 Argentinien
    Blüten gelb, kurzröhrig, breit öffnend

    thionantha v. aurantiaca Rausch 148
    thionantha v. brevispina Rausch 231
    thionantha v. catamarcensis Rausch 570
    thionantha v. chionantha Rausch 022
    thionantha v. erythrantha Rausch 1985 – Typus 763
    Argentinien, Salta, 3000 m
    Blüte 3 cm lang und 3 cm Breit, aussen weißlich hellrot, innen rot, Schlund weißlich-rosa
    thionantha v. ferrarii Rausch 572
    thionantha v. glauca Rausch 147
    thionantha v. munita Rausch 1985 – Typus 772 Argentinien, Salta, 2600 m
    Blüte 5 cm lang und 5cm breit, rot oder auch gelb, Schlund hellrot
    thionantha v. variiflora Rausch 759 n.n. _________________________________________________________________

    obrepanda v. frankii

    obrepanda v. purprea



    silvestrii (Speg.) Rowley 1967
    Blüte karminrot, kelch öffnend, 3 cm lang und 4 cm breit

    Echte Lobivia

    atrovirens Backeberg 1935

    atrovirens v. haefneriana
    Blüte rot, breit öffnend, kurze Röhre

    atrovirens v. nigricans Wessn, 1940

    atrovirens v. pseudoritteri Rausch 1985 - Typus Rausch 508

    atrovirens v. yuncharasensis Rausch 1985 - Typus Rausch 91


    acanthoplegma Backeb. 1962

    acanthoplegma WR 57
    acanthoplegma v. oligotricha WR 58
    acanthoplegma v. roseiflora PM 153
    acanthoplegma 'v. pilosa' Rausch 667
    arachnacantha WR 180
    arachnacantha v. sulphurea Vazq. 542
    arachnacantha v. leucosyphus Card.
    acanthoplegma v. oligotricha Card, 1963
    Blüte purpurrot, Schlund gelb unten grün, kurz röhrig

    acanthoplegma v. neocinnabarina Backeb.
    acanthoplegma v. patula Rausch 1974
    acanthoplegma v. roseiflora Rausch 457

    rigidispina Backeb. 1963

    vanurkiana Backeb. 1963
    acanthoplegma WR 57
    acanthoplegma v. oligotricha WR 58
    acanthoplegma v. roseiflora PM 153
    acanthoplegma 'v. pilosa' Rausch 667
    arachnacantha WR 180
    arachnacantha v. sulphurea Vazq. 542
    aurea MN 76
    aurea 'catamarcensis' WR 136
    aurea v. dobeana GC
    aurea v. leucomalla WR 116
    aurea v. quinesensis WR 112
    aurea v. 'depressicostata?' P 25
    backebergii fma Lau 154a
    backebergii v. larae WR 264
    backebergii v. oxyalabastra WR 200
    calorubra v. mizquensis WR 610
    calorubra v. mizquensis WR463
    caineana WR 197
    chrysantha MN 216
    chrysantha MN 105
    chrysantha 'klusacekii' J 17
    chrysantha 'klusacekii' MN 111
    chrysantha 'klusacekii' WR 584
    chrysantha v. hypocyrta
    chrysochete MN 133
    chrysochete WR 173
    chrysochete 'v. subtilis' MN 144 (orange-red fl)
    chrysochete 'v. subtilis' MN 144 (orange-yellow fl)
    chrysochete v. tenuispina WR 497
    cinnabarina RH 385
    cinnabarina fma HS 252
    cinnabarina v. draxleriana WR 279
    cinnabarina v. zudanensis WR 62b
    ferox WR 209
    ferox v. longispina MN 54
    ferox v. longispina MN 154
    formosa v. herzogii J 203
    formosa v. hyalacantha WR 565
    famatimensis FR 459
    famatimensis 'bonniae' FK 96 (Photo Bouwman)
    famatimensis 'bonniae' FK 96
    formosa v. kieslingii WR 573
    grandiflora v. crassicaulis WR 151
    haematantha Lau 459
    haematantha WR 165
    haematantha v. amblayensis WR 239
    haematantha v. densispina MN 38
    haematantha v. densispina MN 39
    haematantha v. elongata MN 15
    haematantha v. elongata MN 19
    haematantha v. hualfinensis WR 146
    haematantha v. kuehnrichii MN 81
    haematantha v. rebutioides (white flowers)
    haematantha v. rebutioides MN 29
    haematantha v. rebutioides 'sublimiflora' MN 44
    haematantha v. rebutioides WR 585a
    haematantha v. jasimanensis WR 752
    hertrichiana FR 935
    hertrichiana 'minuta' WR 414
    hertrichiana v. lauii WR 419
    hertrichiana v. simplex WR 423
    hertrichiana v. zecheri WR 407
    jajoiana v. aurata WR 701
    jajoiana v. caspalasensis MN 153
    jajoiana v. elegans MN 161
    jajoiana v. elegans MN 210
    jajoiana v. fleischeriana WR 580
    jajoiana v. paucicostata 'glauca' MN 36
    jajoiana v. paucicostata 'glauca' MN 190
    jajoiana v. paucicostata 'glauca' WR 218
    jajoiana v. pungens WR 516
    jajoiana v. MN 243 (seedling in flower)
    lateritia JK 356 (seedling in flower)
    lateritia 'v. kupperiana' WR673a
    marsoneri MN 169 (orange flower)
    marsoneri MN 169 (reddish flower, close-up)
    marsoneri MN 174
    maximiliana Lau 254
    maximiliana WR 202
    maximiliana v. caespitosa WR 57
    maximiliana v. charazanensis WR 624
    maximiliana v. corbula WR 412
    maximiliana v. intermedia WR 409
    maximiliana v. sicuaniensis WR 426
    maximilana v. westii (Hutchinson)
    maximiliana v. westii WR 408
    maximiliana v. violacea WR 735
    pampana WR 433 (scheerii)
    pampana AC 148 (scheerii) pampana 'v. borealis'' WR 387a
    pentlandii WR 201
    pentlandii WR 298
    pentlandii WR 956
    pugionacantha MN 48
    pugionacantha v. cornuta JK 248
    pugionacantha v. cornuta WR 651
    pugionacantha v. corrugata WR 176
    pugionacantha v. culpinensis WR 83
    pugionacantha v. rossii WR 70
    pugionacantha v. versicolor WR 297
    pugionacantha 'v. winkleriana' WR 500a
    rauschii WR 635
    saltensis (Sta Barbara, 3000m, Arg)
    saltensis fma DH 301 B
    saltensis v. multicostata (Lajas, Salta)
    sanguiniflora v. breviflora WR 582
    sanguiniflora fma WR 517
    schieliana v. leptacantha WR 422
    schieliana v. quiabayensis WR 205
    schieliana v. quiabayensis Lau 1004
    schreiteri (Tafi del Valle, Arg)
    schreiteri v. riolarensis J 62
    schreiteri v. stilowiana WR 171
    spec. 'albari' (Lopez, Bol)
    spec. WR 904 (Curque, Bol)
    tiegeliana 'dimorphipetala' RH 253
    tiegeliana v. fricii MN 235
    tiegeliana v. flaviflora FR 1170
    tegeleriana WR 405
    tegeleriana v. incuiensis WR 443
    variispina HR 19025a
    wrightiana KK 1545
    wrightiana v. winteriana FR 1312


    Lobivia is an anagram of Bolivia from where many of this genus species originate. Lobivia is now included in Echinopsis.

    Species and varieties
    Lobivia acanthoplegma synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia aculeata synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia adpressispina synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia aguilarii synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda ssp. calorubra
    Lobivia aguilarii (Violet Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda
    Lobivia akersii synonym of Echinopsis tegeleriana
    Lobivia albipectinata synonym of Rebutia albopectinata
    Lobivia allegrainana synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia amblayensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia ancastii (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia andalgalensis synonym of Echinopsis huascha
    Lobivia ancistrophora
    Lobivia arachnacantha var. torrecillasensis synonym of Echinopsis ancistrophora ssp. arachnacantha var. torrecillasensis
    Lobivia argentea synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia atrovirens synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia atrovirens var. haefneriana synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia atrovirens var. pseudoritteri synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia atrovirens var. raulii synonym of Rebutia ritteri
    Lobivia atrovirens var. yuncharasensis synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia auranitida synonym of Rebutia einsteinii
    Lobivia auranitida var. gracilis synonym of Rebutia einsteinii
    Lobivia aurantiaca synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia aurea (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia aurea var. dobeana synonym of Echinopsis aurea var. dobeana
    Lobivia aurea var. quinesensis (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia aureiflora synonym of Rebutia aureiflora
    Lobivia aureolilacina synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia aureosenilis synonym of Echinopsis pampana
    Lobivia backebergiana synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia backebergii synonym of Echinopsis backebergii
    Lobivia backebergii ssp. schieliana synonym of Echinopsis schieliana
    Lobivia backebergii subsp. hertrichiana synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia backebergii var. laui synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia binghamiana synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia boedekeriana synonym of Echinopsis backebergii
    Lobivia boliviensis synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia brachyantha synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia breviflora synonym of Echinopsis sanguiniflora
    Lobivia bruchii synonym of Echinopsis bruchii
    Lobivia brunneo-rosea synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia buiningiana synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia cachensis synonym of Echinopsis saltensis
    Lobivia caespitosa synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia caineana synonym of Echinopsis caineana
    Lobivia calorubra synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda ssp. calorubra
    Lobivia calorubra var. mizquensis (Violet Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda
    Lobivia camataquiensis synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia campicola synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia cariquinensis synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia carminantha synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia charazanensis synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia charcasina synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia chlorogona synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia chorrillosensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia chrysacantha synonym of Rebutia minuscula
    Lobivia chrysantha synonym of Echinopsis chrysantha
    Lobivia chrysantha ssp. jajoiana synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia chrysantha ssp. marsoneri synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia chrysochete synonym of Echinopsis chrysochete
    Lobivia cinnabarina synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia cintiensis synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia claeysiana synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia conoidea synonym of Rebutia einsteinii
    Lobivia corbula synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia cornuta synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia crassicaulis synonym of Echinopsis crassicaulis
    Lobivia cruciaureispina synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia culpinensis synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia cylindracea (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia cylindrica (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia densispina synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia densispina fa. chlorogona synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia densispina v. leucomalla (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia densispina var. rebutioides synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia digitiformis synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia dobeana synonym of Echinopsis aurea var. dobeana
    Lobivia draxleriana synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia drijveriana synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia duursmaiana synonym of Echinopsis sanguiniflora
    Lobivia echinata synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia einsteinii synonym of Rebutia einsteinii
    Lobivia einsteinii var. gonjianii synonym of Rebutia gonjianii
    Lobivia elongata synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia emmae synonym of Echinopsis saltensis
    Lobivia euanthema synonym of Rebutia gonjianii
    Lobivia euanthema synonym of Rebutia aureiflora
    Lobivia eucaliptana synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia fallax (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia famatimensis (Orange Cob Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis famatimensis
    Lobivia famatimensis v. leucomalla (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia famatimensis var. densispina synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia ferox synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia formosa synonym of Echinopsis formosa
    Lobivia formosa var. poco synonym of Echinopsis tarijensis ssp. totorensis
    Lobivia fricii synonym of Echinopsis tiegeliana
    Lobivia glauca synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia glaucescens synonym of Echinopsis pampana
    Lobivia gonjianii synonym of Rebutia gonjianii
    Lobivia grandiflora synonym of Echinopsis huascha
    Lobivia grandis synonym of Echinopsis bruchii
    Lobivia haageana synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia haagei var. crassa synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia haagei var. elegantula synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia haagei var. nazarenoensis synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia haagei var. pelzliana synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia haematantha synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia haematantha ssp. kuehnrichii synonym of Echinopsis haematantha ssp. kuehnrichii
    Lobivia haematantha subsp. densispina synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia haematantha var. amblayensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia haematantha var. chorrillosensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia haematantha var. elongata synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia haematantha var. hualfinensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia haematantha var. jasimanensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia haematantha var. rebutioides synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia hardeniana synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia hastifera synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia hermanniana synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia hertrichiana synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia hertrichiana f. allegrainana synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia hertrichiana f. binghamiana synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia hertrichiana f. incaica synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia hertrichiana f. planiceps synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia hertrichiana var. simplex synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia higginsiana synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia hoffmanniana synonym of Rebutia steinbachii
    Lobivia horrida synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia hualfinensis synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia huascha synonym of Echinopsis huascha
    Lobivia huascha var. walteri synonym of Echinopsis walteri
    Lobivia huilcanota synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia hyalacantha synonym of Echinopsis huascha
    Lobivia hystrix synonym of Echinopsis chrysochete
    Lobivia incaica synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia incuiensis synonym of Echinopsis tegeleriana
    Lobivia intermedia synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia iridescens synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia jajoiana synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia johnsoniana synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia kieslingii synonym of Echinopsis formosa
    Lobivia klimpeliana synonym of Acanthocalycium klimpelianum
    Lobivia knuthiana synonym of Rebutia minuscula var. violaciflora
    Lobivia korethroides synonym of Echinopsis korethroides
    Lobivia kupperiana synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia larae synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia lateritia synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia lauii synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia lauramarca synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia leptacantha synonym of Echinopsis schieliana
    Lobivia leucomalla (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia leucorhodon synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia leucoviolacea synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia longispina synonym of Echinopsis ferox var. longispina
    Lobivia markusii synonym of Echinopsis chrysochete
    Lobivia marsoneri synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia maximiliana synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia maximiliana ssp. quiabayensis synonym of Echinopsis schieliana
    Lobivia maximiliana subsp. caespitosa synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia maximiliana subsp. westii synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia miniatiflora synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia miniatinigra synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia minuscula synonym of Rebutia minuscula
    Lobivia minuta synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia mirabunda synonym of Echinopsis haematantha
    Lobivia mistiensis synonym of Echinopsis pampana
    Lobivia mizquensis (Violet Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda
    Lobivia mizquensis synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda ssp. calorubra
    Lobivia muhriae synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia multicostata synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia napina synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia nealeana synonym of Echinopsis saltensis
    Lobivia neo-haageana synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia neocinnabarina synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia nigricans synonym of Rebutia nigricans
    Lobivia nigricans var. albispina synonym of Rebutia nigricans
    Lobivia nigricans var. carmeniana synonym of Rebutia nigricans
    Lobivia nigrostoma synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia oligotricha synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia omasuyana synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia oreopepon synonym of Echinopsis formosa
    Lobivia orurensis synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia orurensis synonym of Rebutia orurensis
    Lobivia oxyalabastra synonym of Echinopsis backebergii
    Lobivia pachyacantha synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia pampana synonym of Echinopsis pampana
    Lobivia peclardiana synonym of Echinopsis tiegeliana
    Lobivia pectinata synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia pectinifera (Orange Cob Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis famatimensis
    Lobivia pentlandii synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia pentlandii f. carminantha synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia pentlandii var. maximiliana synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia pictiflora synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia pictiflorea synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia planiceps synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia pojoensis (Violet Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis obrepanda
    Lobivia polaskiana synonym of Echinopsis chrysantha
    Lobivia polycephala synonym of Echinopsis sanguiniflora
    Lobivia potosina synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia prestoana synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia pseudocachensis synonym of Echinopsis saltensis
    Lobivia pseudocariquinensis synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia pseudocinnabarina synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia pugionacantha synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia purpureominiata synonym of Echinopsis huascha
    Lobivia pusilla synonym of Echinopsis tiegeliana
    Lobivia pygmaea synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia pygmaea var. knizei synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia pygmaea var. polypetala synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia pygmaea var. tafnaensis synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia pygmaea var. violaceostaminata synonym of Rebutia pygmaea
    Lobivia quiabayensis synonym of Echinopsis schieliana
    Lobivia raphidacantha synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia rauschii Zecher synonym of Echinopsis yuquina
    Lobivia rebutioides synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia rebutioides var. chlorogona synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia ritteri synonym of Rebutia ritteri
    Lobivia rosarioana synonym of Echinopsis formosa
    Lobivia rossii synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha ssp. rossii
    Lobivia rubescens synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia salitrensis synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia saltensis synonym of Echinopsis saltensis
    Lobivia sanguiniflora synonym of Echinopsis sanguiniflora
    Lobivia scheeri synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia schieleana synonym of Echinopsis schieliana
    Lobivia schieliana synonym of Echinopsis schieliana
    Lobivia schmiedcheniana synonym of Rebutia einsteinii
    Lobivia schneideriana synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia schreiteri synonym of Echinopsis schreiteri
    Lobivia scoparia synonym of Echinopsis densispina
    Lobivia scopulina synonym of Echinopsis lateritia
    Lobivia senilis synonym of Rebutia minuscula
    Lobivia shaferi (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia shaferi f. cylindracea (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia shaferi subsp. fallax (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia shaferi subsp. leucomalla (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia shaferi subsp. rubriflora (Golden Easter Lily Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis aurea
    Lobivia sicuaniensis synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia silvestrii (Peanut Cactus) synonym of Echinopsis chamaecereus
    Lobivia simplex synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia spiniflora synonym of Acanthocalycium spiniflorum
    Lobivia spiniflora var. peitscheriana synonym of Acanthocalycium klimpelianum
    Lobivia steinmannii synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia steinmannii var. applanata synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia steinmannii var. leucacantha synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia steinmannii var. major synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia steinmannii var. melanocentra synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia steinmannii var. parvula synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia steinmannii var. tuberculata synonym of Rebutia steinmannii
    Lobivia stilowiana synonym of Echinopsis schreiteri
    Lobivia taratensis synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia tegeleriana synonym of Echinopsis tegeleriana
    Lobivia thionantha var. ferrarii synonym of Acanthocalycium ferrarii
    Lobivia tiegeliana synonym of Echinopsis tiegeliana
    Lobivia tiegeliana var. distefanoiana synonym of Echinopsis tiegeliana var. distefanoiana
    Lobivia titicacensis synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia tuberculosa synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia uitewaaleana synonym of Echinopsis marsoneri
    Lobivia varians synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia variispina synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia versicolor synonym of Echinopsis pugionacantha
    Lobivia vilcabambae synonym of Echinopsis hertrichiana
    Lobivia violaciflora synonym of Rebutia minuscula var. violaciflora
    Lobivia walteri synonym of Echinopsis walteri
    Lobivia walterspielii synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina
    Lobivia wegheiana synonym of Echinopsis pentlandii
    Lobivia westii synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia westii var. intermedia synonym of Echinopsis maximiliana
    Lobivia wilkeae synonym of Echinopsis ferox
    Lobivia winterana synonym of Echinopsis backebergii
    Lobivia wrightiana synonym of Echinopsis backebergii
    Lobivia wrightiana var. winteriana synonym of Echinopsis backebergii var. winterana
    Lobivia zecheri synonym of Echinopsis backebergii
    Lobivia zudanensis synonym of Echinopsis cinnabarina

    Temperaturverträglichkeit im minus Bereich

    Lobivia arachnacantha var. arachnacantha -1
    Lobivia arachnacantha var. sulfurea 0
    Lobivia aurea var. aurea -2
    Lobivia aurea var. leucomalla -12
    Lobivia aurea var. shaferi -10
    Lobivia backebergii -4
    Lobivia backebergii var. larae -6
    Lobivia bruchii -12
    Lobivia chrysantha var. chrysantha -12
    Lobivia chrysantha var. polaskiana -4
    Lobivia cinnabarina var. draxleriana -6
    Lobivia densispina var. sanguinea -1
    Lobivia famatimensis -12
    Lobivia ferox var. ferox -12
    Lobivia ferox var. longispina -12
    Lobivia haematantha var. densispina -12
    Lobivia haematantha var. rebutioides -12
    Lobivia hertrichiana -4
    Lobivia kupperiana -9
    Lobivia maximiliana var. caespitosa -12
    Lobivia melanea -7
    Lobivia oxyalabastra -4
    Lobivia pentlandii -12
    Lobivia recondita -1
    Lobivia schieliana -2
    Lobivia uebelmanniana -10